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01/17/2023 Call for Papers! Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Prof. Cai serves as a topic editor of "Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology" (Impact factor 6.064), on the new Research Topic:...
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01/11/2023 "A universal metasurface transfer technique" published in Nanophotonics
Our paper of "A universal metasurface transfer technique for heterogeneous integration" is now published in the journa Nanophotonics....
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09/12/2022 Maximizing Investigators' Research Award from NIGMS
Dr Cai received the "Maximizing Investigators' Research Award" from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS), National...
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07/28/2022 "Super-resolution compatible nanopatterns" featured on the cover of Nature Protocols
Our paper "Ligand functionalization of titanium nanopattern enables the analysis of cell–ligand interactions by super-resolution...
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08/13/21 "Polarization-Insensitive Medium-Switchable Holographic Metasurfaces" in ACS Photonics
Our paper "Polarization-Insensitive Medium-Switchable Holographic Metasurfaces" is published in ACS Photonics (
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03/18/2021 Invited talk at WE-Heraeus-Seminar
Dr. Cai gave an invited talk "Nanoengineered biomimetic interfaces for T cell mechanobiology study" at the WE-Heraeus-Seminar...
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03/11/2021 Photonics West 2021
Dr. Cai gave a talk "Exploring the parameter space of broadband all-dielectric liquid crystal tunable metasurfaces in the visible" at...
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02/02/2021 "Nano-kirigami" featured on the cover of Advanced Materials
An article co-authored by Dr. Cai, "Kirigami Engineering—Nanoscale Structures Exhibiting a Range of Controllable 3D Configurations", is...
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08/05/2020 "Inverse design of metasurfaces with non-local interactions" in npj Comput. Mater.
Our paper "Inverse design of metasurfaces with non-local interactions" is published in npj Computational Materials...
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Dr. Cai gave a talk "Holographic metasurfaces multiplexed by surrounding media" at the Photonics West 2020, in San Francisco. Holographic...
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Our paper "Integrin nanoclusters can bridge thin matrix fibres to form cell–matrix adhesions" is commented in Nature Materials. "This...
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Our paper "Integrin nanoclusters can bridge thin matrix fibres to form cell–matrix adhesions" is published in Nature Materials. This work...
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